Relax to Create: Unlocking Creativity Through Theta Brainwaves
As someone deeply invested in both creativity and wellness, I’ve come to understand that inspiration isn’t something we can force, it’s something that flows when we create the right environment for it. Recently, I’ve been diving into the science of theta brainwaves, and it’s completely reshaped the way I think about creativity.
Theta brainwaves, which operate at a frequency of 4–7 Hz, occur when the mind is deeply relaxed. This state often happens during light sleep, meditation, or moments of mindfulness (being present). It’s where intuition, emotional breakthroughs, and creative problem-solving naturally emerge. What really stood out to me is how easy it is to access this state with just 15 minutes of intentional relaxation a day.
Fifteen minutes. That’s just 1% of your day. Over time, these small, consistent moments of relaxation can create a profound ripple effect. Not just in your creativity but in the way you approach your entire life #curatealifethatisaworkofart
The Connection Between Relaxation and Creativity
We live in a society that glorifies hustle and productivity, often making creativity feel like something we have to force. But the truth is, creativity thrives in stillness. When we slow down, different parts of the brain begin to work together in harmony, unlocking ideas and solutions that feel almost effortless.
I loved how Dr. Greg Wells described this in his talk: relaxation is the foundation for creation. Watch it here on YouTube. When we make time for rest and stillness, we’re giving our brain the space it needs to connect the dots and spark new ideas.
How I Tap Into the Theta State
I have always been aware of this state, as I effortlessly drop into it through my creative practices such as painting, walking barefoot in nature, journalling, sitting in the ocean on my surfboard and riding my horse. But watching this talk by Dr. Wells taught me that this state actually had a name, and a scientific component! I started mindfully applying this understanding to my own life, and it’s been transformative. Here’s what’s works for me, and what might work for you too:
1. 15 Minutes of Stillness - Journalling in the morning
I’ve made it a habit for more than 15 years to dedicate at least 15 minutes in the morning to mindfulness through stillness. For me, this means reading the daily passage from 365 Tao by Deng Ming-Dao, sitting quietly with my thoughts and journaling. These short moments of calm help me reset and often lead to surprising bursts of creative clarity and inspiration. Learn more about my 365 Tao Book Club here!
2. Mindful Movement
Gentle, repetitive movements like walking by the ocean or creating something by hand such as painting, writing or drawing - help me quiet the noise in my mind. There’s something about physical rhythm that naturally brings me into a flow state where creativity just happens.
3. Unstructured Creative Play
As a commission-based Artist, the majority of my projects are a creative vision that's created for a client. To balance this structured approach to creating, I give myself permission to create without any specific goal: doodling, sketching using materials I don't often use, or experimenting with new ideas. When I let go of the pressure to create something “perfect,” I often end up surprising myself with the results.
4. Consistency Over Time
What’s been most powerful for me is the consistency of these practices. Fifteen minutes might not seem like much, but over weeks and months, the impact is undeniable. It’s like building a muscle: each small effort compounds over time, making creativity more accessible every day.
A Shift in Perspective
This approach to creativity has been a game-changer for me. Instead of pushing harder or trying to force my way into inspiration, I’ve learned to lean into relaxation. Creativity isn’t something we have to force, it’s something that emerges when we give ourselves the space to simply be. I often tell clients that we are Human BE-ings, not Human DO-ings. Give yourself the time and space to just BE.
So, what would your life look like if you dedicated just 1% of your day to stillness? I’ve seen firsthand how this small habit can transform not just your creativity but your overall sense of balance and clarity. For me, the answer has been simple: relax to create. And it’s a lesson I’m committed to carrying forward every day.
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